authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
Rick Apichairuk
Verified Expert 在项目管理方面
24 Years of Experience

Rick是一位项目管理专家,拥有20多年的IT经验. 他担任过各种职务, 包括作为高级软件开发人员, consultant, CTO, and Scrum master, 为eBay等国际公司提供服务, Live Nation, Cisco, and Intel.

Previous Role




Effective project management is dependent on a number of factors—including having the right tools and software in place. 拥有超过15年管理软件开发和产品团队的经验, 我知道正确的工具可以提供及时的洞察力和可见性, 促进合作, 简化流程, 提高生产力. 另一方面,错误的工具会使实现这些结果变得更加困难.

Jira is widely recognized within the industry as a powerful software development platform due to its robust issue tracking, adaptability, and scalability. It is also possible to integrate Jira with a range of third-party services to create a seamless workflow. This is useful for teams that look to other applications for more general project management capabilities—you can leverage the strengths of multiple tools while maintaining consistency without the need for manual data transfers.

Integrating Jira with another platform is also useful if your organization comprises many projects and programs. Keeping track of these can be a challenging and time-consuming task—43% of project managers spend more than one day per month manually collating project statuses, according to a 2021惠灵顿报告. Jira确实为此提供了一个企业规划解决方案,但是成本很高. Instead, linking project management platforms so that progress can be monitored and managed more efficiently across an entire company can save valuable time and financial resources.

Time spent by project managers manually collating project statuses per month: less than 4 hours: 25.3%; 4 hours to 1 day: 25%; 1-2 days: 17.4%; more than 2 days: 25.8;, N/A: 6.4%.

在本文中,我们将探讨如何将Jira与基于云的集成 项目管理平台.com 并概述通过本地和自定义选项这样做的利弊.


有许多项目管理软件可供选择, 所以很难知道哪一个适合你的团队或公司. is one of the more cost-effective platforms on the market and is hugely popular thanks to:

  • 一个直观和用户友好的界面,易于导航的板.
  • 实时协作特性,如提及、评论和文件共享.
  • 高度可定制的工作流.
  • 项目规划和跟踪工具,如甘特图和时间表.
  • 简化重复性任务的自动化选项.


Enhanced visibility: 项目专业人员可以获得对任务的全面监督, issues, and progress, which contributes to more informed decision-making and means problems can be proactively addressed. You can create consolidated reports and dashboards, providing a comprehensive view of performance.

流线型的合作: 您可以弥合开发团队之间的差距, other departments, 和管理,以确保加强沟通.

Greater efficiency: Synchronizing data between the two platforms eliminates manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors.

通往Jira和Monday有两条不同的路径.Com集成:本机或自定义. Each approach has its own set of benefits and challenges—your choice depends predominantly on which better suits your specific needs.


The first approach to discuss is native integration, which allows you to quickly connect your Monday.. com工作空间与您的Jira项目. To kick things off, 在Jira中创建一个新项目, 选择集成类型, 并选择要同步的字段:您可以选择同步问题(任务、故事、bug或史诗)、状态和/或摘要字段,并决定它们将流向哪个方向.

选择要同步的Jira问题类型时出现的下拉菜单. 用户可以选择:任务、故事、bug或史诗.
Native integration allows users to select the Jira issue type they want to sync with (Jira)

还有一个双向同步选项, 这样可以确保在一个平台中创建的内容显示在另一个平台中. 当你在周一创建一个特性请求时.com, for example, the issue will be synced to Jira and the Jira ticket ID and URL will be copied back to 这确保了两个平台之间的无缝连接和可访问性, making it easier to keep track of information—particularly useful for managing multiple projects.’s two-way synchronization option allows users to tick two boxes to ensure new creations flow in both directions.
双向同步确保任何新数据都反映在两个平台上. (Jira)



容易实现: 设置本地集成相对简单. 用户可以用最少的技术知识快速入门, 对于寻找简单解决方案的团队来说,哪一个是有益的.

双向同步: Monday.Com的原生集成支持双向同步,使团队保持一致, 确保在Jira或Monday发生更改时.在其他平台上自动镜像.


S分项及分项: One of the significant limitations of native integration is its lack of synchronization for sub-items and sub-issues. 只有顶级的Jira问题和周一.Com项目完全集成. This can be a drawback for software development teams that rely heavily on sub-issues and sub-items for project organization, 特别是经常将用户故事分解成更小的子任务的团队.

同步约束: 而本地集成支持同步字段,如问题类型, status, and summary, 对于这种集成,更复杂的字段映射可能不可行.

减少的灵活性: Native integration may not cater to the unique workflow requirements of all organizations. 定制选项有限, 原生方法对于具有特定需求的团队适应性较差.

Monday.Com的本地集成提供了用户友好的体验和快速的实现. 但是如果子项和定制是项目管理工作流的关键部分, 您可能希望探索自定义集成选项以完全满足您的需求.

Jira and Monday.com与Make:自定义集成

如果您需要更大的灵活性或对子项和子问题的支持, 定制集成可能是最适合您的解决方案. 这个选项技术性更强, however, 并且需要使用第三方集成工具才能工作.

Make (formerly known as Integromat) is an online automation platform that allows users to connect various web applications and services. 它使用户能够创建复杂的自动化场景, 通常称为集成, 连接两个或多个系统来自动执行特定任务. Here are some key features of Make that show why it is an ideal choice to manage integrations:

自动触发和动作: 触发器可以检测更改或更新,并执行预先编程的操作. 例如,在星期一创建新任务时.在Jira中会自动创建一个相应的问题. You can also set up a trigger for a series of actions, enabling users to automate complex workflows.

广泛的应用集成: 广泛流行的网络应用程序和服务,包括周一.com和Jira,允许用户连接多个应用程序.

复杂的数据映射: 程序可以在数据通过集成时对其进行操作和转换, 哪一个是有用的映射字段从一个应用到另一个, 确保数据一致性.

Robust error handling: Error-handling capabilities allow users to implement mechanisms that are triggered if an error occurs during the automation process.

Flexible scheduling: 用户可以对任务进行编程,使其在特定时间或间隔内运行, 确保集成遵循预定义的时间表.

更大的定制: A high degree of customization allows users to tailor integrations to suit their unique needs and requirements.

The real value of custom integration is in the details: It supports a range of story types and epics and offers more control over field configuration. This enables a more tailored, granular approach to viewing and reporting on project status. 为了实现这个价值, however, it’s important to note that you will need some technical knowledge to complete the implementation process successfully.



更细粒度的仪表板: Custom integration provides more detailed visibility, which allows for more sophisticated reporting.

全面支持分项和子问题: One of the significant advantages of custom integration is its flexibility and support for sub-items and sub-issues, making it ideal for teams that require more advanced capabilities and more in-depth reporting.

Bespoke workflows: 自定义集成具有很强的适应性,可以根据您的特定流程进行微调, 使其适用于广泛的行业和用例.

软件优化: 自定义集成允许团队充分利用周一.com和Jira功能.


更多的技术设置: 实现自定义集成不像本地集成那样简单. 一个额外的集成平台,例如Make,以及对 webhooks and API calls 是使集成工作所必需的.

While Monday.Com的自定义集成提供了更好的控制和自定义级别, 这是一项更为复杂的任务.

Native vs. 自定义集成:比较

最终,在本土和传统的Jira和Monday之间做出选择.Com集成将取决于您的具体需求和项目的性质. 如果你的团队只喜欢一个级别的票务, 或者可能在实现方面有时间限制, 那么本地集成可能更适合您. 它是一个简单的项目管理任务的直接解决方案, 提供用户友好的仪表板和双向同步.

If, however, 您的团队使用带有史诗的分层票务结构, user stories, and subtasks, then custom integration will support your processes more fully as it provides the flexibility and special features required for more complex workflows.

Jira和Monday等工具.Com是有效项目管理的关键组成部分, and with these integration options you can enhance your use of these two robust platforms, 提高效率, visibility, and collaboration.


  • Jira集成了哪些平台?

    Jira集成了一系列第三方应用程序和服务, including Salesforce, Slack, Trello, and 将Jira与其他平台集成可以加强监督, 简化沟通, 并创建一个无缝的工作流.

  • 如何将集成添加到星期一.com?

    周一有两个集成选项.本土和习俗. Which one you choose will depend on the needs and nature of your projects and the level of technical expertise you have access to. Native integration is quick and easy to implement but offers limited support and flexibility. 自定义集成提供了更多的专门化和控制, 但需要深入的技术知识以及第三方集成工具.

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Rick Apichairuk

Rick Apichairuk

Verified Expert 在项目管理方面
24 Years of Experience

Bangkok, Thailand


About the author

Rick是一位项目管理专家,拥有20多年的IT经验. 他担任过各种职务, 包括作为高级软件开发人员, consultant, CTO, and Scrum master, 为eBay等国际公司提供服务, Live Nation, Cisco, and Intel.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.

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