Dominik dragi<e:1> evovic,克罗地亚萨格勒布的开发者
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Dominik Dragičević

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Zagreb, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
December 8, 2017

Dominik is a full-stack software engineer with over seven years of experience developing web applications. 他既与大企业合作,也与小型创业公司合作. By today, he has completed over 15 projects. Dominik的专长在于开发涉及Node的项目.js, React, AngularJS, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL, but he's also very capable of tackling anything to do with React Native and automatization systems.


Node.js, NestJS, React, React Native, HIPAA Compliance, PostgreSQL, AWS SDK...
React Native, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MongoDB, TypeScript, Node.js, Webflow...
Amazon Web Services (AWS), AngularJS, React, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Node.js, CSS...




Preferred Environment

Linux, WebStorm, HTML

The most amazing...

...project I’ve worked on is Shoutem, 基于React Native的快速高效移动应用开发工具.

Work Experience

CTO | Full-stack Developer

2021 - PRESENT
  • Took over the project from the previous development team and rebuilt all broken critical parts.
  • 建立一个自动化和可扩展的部署系统.
  • Made sure that the app was HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant and passed HIPAA checks.
Technologies: Node.js, NestJS, React, React Native, HIPAA Compliance, PostgreSQL, AWS SDK, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon RDS, Architecture, Discovery Workshops, Project Planning

CTO | Full-stack Developer

2018 - PRESENT
  • 担任首席技术官,管理后端和移动团队.
  • Set up the whole app infrastructure and added tests to the front-end and back-end parts of the app.
  • Automated deployment and successfully resolved security issues in the app set up.
Technologies: React Native, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MongoDB, TypeScript, Node.js, Webflow, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Web Development, Integration, Data Integration, Architecture, Project Planning

Founder | Web Developer

2017 - PRESENT
  • 主要担任全栈JavaScript工程师.
  • 作为不同项目的AWS专家进行咨询.
  • Worked as a web consultant.
  • Mentored other developers.
  • 为2018年欧洲手球锦标赛开发了一个记分牌应用程序.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), AngularJS, React, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Contentful, Web Development, Integration, Data Integration, Architecture, Discovery Workshops, Project Planning

Senior Node.js Developer

2023 - 2023
Mind & Metrics LLC
  • Completed a full integration between HubSpot and the client's internal system.
  • 通过授权创建了一个新的纳税网站.net and PayPal.
  • 生成一个通知系统,通知用户即将到来的税收.
Technologies: JavaScript, AWS Lambda, Node.js, REST APIs, Amazon Web Services (AWS), HubSpot, MySQL, Webhooks,,建筑,探索工作坊,项目规划


2022 - 2023
  • Developed a tool in React that blocks all scripts on the site until the user gives consent.
  • 研究了竞争对手,并提出了新的功能,现在在应用程序中.
  • 开发了阻塞功能,这是我引以为傲的. 大多数竞争对手都没有,或者效果不好.
Technologies: React, JavaScript, Node.js, Cloudflare, Cookies, Shopify, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, GraphQL, APIs, Stripe, TypeScript, PostGraphile, Rendering, Integration, Data Integration, Architecture, Project Planning

System Architect and Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2022
XY Sense
  • 在web应用程序上建立一个跟踪和规划传感器的系统.
  • Upgraded React version to the latest one and upgraded the overall code quality.
  • 增加了对SVG图层和每个图层的管理的支持.
Technologies: Node.js, AWS IoT, AWS IoT Core, React, Amazon Web Services (AWS), APIs, Back-end, Front-end, Web Development, Integration, Data Integration, Architecture, Project Planning

Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2022
  • 为克罗地亚最大的新闻门户网站之一开发了一个应用程序.
  • 增加了与钢琴支付系统的集成,有较差的文件.
  • 为在AWS Lambda上构建PDF报告设置计划任务.
Technologies: Node.js, React, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Web Development, Integration, Project Planning

Full-stack Developer | System Architect

2020 - 2021
Go Social
  • 将TypeScript添加到现有的后端代码库中.
  • Implemented a tool that automatically adds GraphQL query and mutation functions to the front-end app based on GraphQL schema.
  • 使用Next为系统的web部分添加了服务器端渲染.js.
  • Implemented MongoDB Atlas instead of managing MongoDB installations internally.
Technologies: Node.. js、TypeScript、MongoDB、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Next.js, React, GraphQL, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Integration, Data Integration, Project Planning

Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2020
Arena, Inc.
  • Developed and deployed both front-end and back-end parts of the application.
  • Tracked and organized my tasks in Trello. 帮助设计师以更友好的方式组织网站.
  • Helped the client making decisions about the product and data that we should display.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Deployment、React、Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, HTML,数据集成,项目规划

CTO | Full-stack Developer

2017 - 2018
  • 作为全栈开发人员——后端、前端、移动应用和DevOps.
  • 管理一个帮助开发产品的自由职业者团队.
  • 重构了整个应用程序架构,使应用程序更快.
  • 设置CI/CD系统,并为应用程序做一个简单的本地设置.
Technologies: Node.js, MongoDB, TypeScript, APIs, React, React Native, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Integration, Data Integration, Project Planning

Web Developer

2016 - 2017
  • Developed a tool for scaffolding Node.js apps (scaffolding on NPM).
  • Created an automated deploy system.
  • Integrated a payment flow with Stripe.
  • Developed a custom CMS system.
  • 设计了一个自定义的解决方案来模拟MongoDB中的SQL事务.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS), React, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Node.集成,数据集成,项目规划

Web Developer

2014 - 2016
  • Created a custom online video player.
  • 使用Elasticsearch数据库实现了一个智能搜索.
  • Integrated an online video player with multiple video platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, and more).
  • Implemented a video recommendation system.
  • Developed an algorithm for picking “hot” videos.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Redis, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, AngularJS, Node.集成,数据集成,项目规划

Insurance Platform


BORN is the world’s largest digital trade fair for design-led lifestyle products. It exists to give you the platform and audience to launch your products and tell the world your brand story. The site connects people who make beautiful products with those who love them.

For its audience, 美有许多不同的形式,有许多类别, but no matter the style, 它是关于完美和创新的设计与功能的结合. Never form over function or function over form—the BORN team wants to showcase your products and stories to the world.

Shoutem is an open source platform that empowers everyone to make great mobile apps and helps companies and developers supercharge their mobile app development process with React Native.

Vibby是最简单的方法,从任何视频创建一个亮点卷轴. Just paste a link, highlight the parts you want to show, 在你选择的任何社交平台上分享Vibby.


The Bazeat food portal is the future channel for the purchase and sale of good food from small producers. Bazeat使营销变得容易,并确保客户得到产品.

I was the only developer on this project which means that I worked both the front end and back end and managed the app deploy system.

Technologies: React, Node.js, MongoDB, AWS


DexBrokerage is a digital currency exchange. It gives users the ability to trade a variety of digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, among others.

我在这个项目中担任全栈开发人员. 在应用程序的前端,我使用了React和Web3.js and on the back-end side, I used Node.js and a PostgreSQL database. I was also in charge of the app deployment. 在这里,我使用了Docker和AWS弹性容器服务.


Foodpairing is a web platform that has a unique approach to food tech that utilizes chemistry, 物理学和数据科学是未来食品的跳板.

It is a platform for creating unique, 基于科学的完全可定制食谱,促进健康, sustainable lives.


Renova房地产咨询公司的房地产管理系统. 这是一个用于多种类型用户的管理界面.

Renova管理系统是用Node编写的.js and runs on DigitalOcean. web前端是使用Angular框架构建的.


一个寻找和联系旅游指南的应用程序. 它帮助导游宣传自己和他们的旅游路线. Users can preview and book tours.

GuideFinder is powered by Node.与AngularJS结合,并运行在DigitalOcean服务器上.


A website for Kemoplastika, company based in Croatia that specializes in products for car cosmetics and industry plastics. The website is used as a showcase for the company products and was built using WordPress and runs on DigitalOcean servers.

MCI Insurance

用于生成和管理保险报价的web应用程序. It enables a real estate manager to log in, pick the wanted insurance package, and request an offer. 然后管理员处理该请求并完成交易. Node.js用于应用程序的后端,而React.js was used for the front-end side.

TMatix Onboarding

TMatix Onboarding is an internal company tool used for adding relations between clusters of Internet of Things sensors. As both sensors and clusters of sensors are arranged in a tree-like structure, 两者都使用相同的自引用结构. 移动应用程序支持多达五个级别的传感器/集群(建筑), floor, section, subsection, and sensor). 因为设备的唯一名称键入起来很繁琐, an in-app QR scanner can be used for scanning the names of devices in the last two levels (subsection and sensor). 该应用程序使用React Native为Android和iOS平台开发.


A portal for finding jobs and building career paths in Croatia and neighboring states. Users create their profiles, solve case studies and exams, and they can apply to jobs. Employers can look through applied candidates and contact candidates for onsite interview. 有几个不同的雇主档案,基于付费计划. Mravinjak was built using Node.js and the Angular framework. The system runs on AWS EC2 instances and the database is a PostgreSQL RDS instance.

Mravinjak is still in development.


美国大麻消费者专用的社交媒体应用程序. This app is used to share photos, videos, and statuses with the user’s friends and communities. 还有大麻经销商的应用内广告.

Frazzle is powered by a Node.js system running on AWS Lambda, (无服务器解决方案),以实现最低成本和更容易的峰值时间扩展, coupled with a DynamoDB NoSQL database.

Go Social

围棋是一个在你的城市寻找有趣事件的应用程序. 这是一个基于事件的新型社交媒体平台.

我在这个项目中担任全栈开发人员. I used Node.后端为web应用React with Next . js和MongoDB.js用于服务器端渲染,TypeScript用于前端和后端. Also, I managed deployments on AWS.


HTML, HTML5, GraphQL, SQL, TypeScript, TypeScript 2, TypeScript 3, CSS3, CSS, JavaScript, C#, Solidity, Python


Redux, Express.js, Next.js, Material UI, .NET, Truffle, React Native, AngularJS, NestJS


React Redux, REST APIs, Twilio API, React, Node.js, Web3.js, Stripe,


AWS SDK, PM2, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Sequelize, WebStorm, AWS CLI


Agile, Agile Software Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), Design Patterns, Testing, DevOps, HIPAA Compliance


Firebase, Docker, AWS Lambda, MacOS, Amazon EC2, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Twilio, Contentful, HubSpot, Blockchain, Ethereum, Webflow, AWS IoT, AWS IoT Core, Shopify, AWS Elastic Beanstalk


Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Amazon DynamoDB, Database Modeling, Data Integration, Elasticsearch


Apollo, Ajax, API Integration, APIs, CRM APIs, Leadership, Serverless, Web Development, HubSpot CRM, Full-stack, Payment APIs, Architecture, SOAP, Integration, Discovery Workshops, Project Planning, Infura, Deployment, Software Engineering, Back-end, Front-end, Cloudflare, Cookies, PostGraphile, Rendering, Webhooks, Amazon RDS

2014 - 2016

Master of Science Degree in Computing (Software Engineering and Information Systems)

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - Zagreb, Croatia

2011 - 2014

Bachelor of Science Degree in Computing (Software Engineering and Information Systems)

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing - Zagreb, Croatia

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