authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.
验证专家 在设计
5 的经验

Andrés is a graphic designer and web designer who specializes in brand positioning through design strategy.


“努力不要成为一个成功的人. 宁可做一个有价值的人.” ——爱因斯坦

Value是定义某物价值多少的属性. 人们倾向于通过评估价值来做决定,比如“我应该买那个产品吗??或者“我应该订阅这项服务吗??“因为他们正在考虑 设计的商业价值在美国,商业领袖可能会问:“我应该雇佣一名设计师吗?”

Value is not something a designer can simply assign themselves and have a potential client automatic盟友 recognize it. 然而, 设计师 can focus on the 设计的商业价值 and master the art of presenting themselves as 价值-driven professionals.

而不是专注于美化他们的投资组合或提高他们的利率, 为了提高预订量和获得更高的报酬, 设计师应该专注于变得更多 有价值的 给客户的. 由于企业主要是寻找结果,因此.e., 价值交付, 能够证明自己有能力传递价值的设计师将会脱颖而出.

But electing to concentrate on increasing their 价值 is a strategy that may prove to be challenging for many 设计师. 它需要一套不同于核心技能的技能 设计技能 and requires a different approach that centers on enhancing soft skills and focusing on the client’s bottom line.



There is a common misconception among 设计师 that they only need to aim for great visuals and 很酷的设计,其他一切都会随之而来. 虽然美学很重要, it’s not the most critical factor when it comes to a business evaluating 什么 type of designer to hire.

公司发现 有价值的 当一个设计为他们的客户提供了一个问题的解决方案,增加了转化率, 消除新贵, 减少摩擦. 换句话说, clients 价值 a designer’s problem-solving skills more than their ability to deliver pretty-looking designs alone.

为了更成功, 我们需要转变思维模式——设计师需要将自己定位为问题解决者, 不是“艺术家.” The 价值 设计师 can deliver is directly proportional to how 有价值的 they are perceived. 一个熟练的设计师可以设计一个很酷的登陆页面, but not everybody can solve a pressing customer problem that a company has been grappling with for a while.


有一句著名的谚语可能有助于说明这个概念:“展示,而不是讲述。.” Anton Chekhov said: “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” Showing how a business problem was solved and walking through previous design case studies with a client—highlighting 价值交付 with key results—goes a long way in establishing trust and credibility.

外行给建议,专家诊断. 克里斯·多,创始人兼首席执行官 盲目的

专家设计师 diagnose business problems first rather than jumping straight into dispensing design advice. 价值驱动型设计师在提出解决方案之前了解客户的问题. 如果问题没有被理解,如何提供解决方案? 在对客户缺乏同理心的情况下,如何建立信任?

设计师可以运用一种强大的技巧来表达同理心, 建立融洽的关系, 了解公司问题的根源: 提出好问题. 客户 will feel that the designer is aiming to get to the bottom of the problem from a business perspective and will therefore regard the designer as a 有价值的 盟友.

作为一个设计师, asking questions and making sure everyone understands they come from genuine curiosity and a desire to explore the problem at hand more deeply will help 设计师 提出最优的设计方案.



第一次工业革命, 蒸汽机驱动的机械被引进, 帮助许多企业在以前花费的一小部分时间内生产出两倍的产品. 工业机械变得如此可靠的原因是一致性. 公司通过使用工业机器生产产品认识到这一点, 他们可以更快地获得一致的结果.

在设计领域, the only way clients can reliably predict if the results provided will be effective is by looking at a designer’s 过程. 当设计人员执行先前测试过的流程时, it helps give clients clarity and confidence in the designer’s ability to deliver consistent results, 因为一致的过程会产生可靠的结果. 从长远来看, 这种类型的客户信心通常会转化为对设计师的信任,让他们承担更多的工作.

共享一个特定的 设计过程 与客户在一起可以打破障碍,灌输信任. Walking clients through a tried-and-true 过程 they can understand will make them feel that a similar 过程 will add 价值 给他们的公司.

演示防弹设计过程可能很耗时, 但如果处理得当, 这是一项会带来巨大回报的投资. Since clients want to dig deeper and understand how solutions were arrived at beyond a beautiful mockup, investing time in demonstrating a consistent 过程 is a way for a designer to increase their perceived 价值.



当涉及到沟通 价值观取向的设计 对客户来说,清晰地表达和传达它可能是一项挑战. Developing a well-thought-out communication strategy will increase the chances of being able to deliver a convincing presentation.

然而,右翼 种类 价值需要被传达. Not everything outlined by a designer may be perceived as 有价值的, and may not excite the listener. 对…有选择性 什么 传授可以更好地为设计师服务,产生更大的影响.

传达价值的有效策略是首先倾听客户的痛点, 问问题, 然后提出一条探索之路,找到可行的解决方案. Tuning into 什么 will make the most significant impact on the pain-points mentioned by the client will increase trust and convey the 价值 of the design delivered by the designer.

Competition is fierce among 设计师 looking to be selected as the winning candidate for a project. 客户总是有很多选择, 唯一能让设计师与其他设计师区别开来的是 价值 他们可以交付. 在争取一份利润丰厚的工作时, mastering the art of communicating the 价值 a designer will bring to a project can increase the chances of them landing that job.



Businesses are primarily looking for outcomes and expect a recognizable return on investment. Value-based design is an expansion of the 设计过程 that also considers specific business needs. The winning combination for successful 设计师 is to possess not only excellent 设计技能 but also to be able to put their “business-oriented thinking” cap on and figure out where design can deliver 价值.

了解业务, 在给出建议之前诊断客户的问题, 拥有一致的设计过程, 策略性地沟通 价值 of design contributes to a company’s bottom line can increase the perceived 价值 of 设计师. 将这些技能组合起来可能需要一些时间,但值得投资.


  • 是什么让你成为一名优秀的设计师?

    优秀的设计师是讲故事的人. They are great communicators who know how to share their ideas effectively and make them real. 他们会找到解决办法. They listen, observe, and understand context and how a design will be integrated into the world. 他们有同理心,细致,敏锐,乐于改变.

  • 你需要什么技能才能成为一名设计师?

    设计师需要硬技能和软技能. 硬技能可能包括视觉设计, 用户体验/ UI设计, 线框图, 原型设计, 以及用户研究和测试. 软技能可能包括解决问题, 同理心, 沟通技巧, 倾听反馈, 成为一个有价值的团队成员, 快速学习者, 一个好的倾听者.

  • 什么是设计价值?

    公司发现 有价值的 when a solution to a problem is provided by design—increasing conversions, 消除新贵, 减少摩擦. 设计师 who focus on the 设计的商业价值 will make themselves more 有价值的 because businesses aren’t buying design, 他们买的是结果.

  • 为什么设计对商业有好处?

    The 设计的商业价值 is indisputable and has been proven countless times as a way to increase company profits. 好的设计使产品在竞争中脱颖而出. 它有助于提供更好的用户体验, 更高的客户满意度, 提升品牌形象.

  • 为什么设计如此重要?

    设计的价值 is proven because good design sets a business apart and contributes to the bottom line. 它可以提升品牌形象,保持消费者的信任. It clearly communicates a brand’s 价值s and considers the needs of the end user and its impact on the wider 社区.



验证专家 在设计
5 的经验

Nuevo Cuscatlán, La Libertad Department,萨尔瓦多



Andrés is a graphic designer and web designer who specializes in brand positioning through design strategy.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. 我们所有的内容都经过同行评审,并由同一领域的Toptal专家验证.


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